Why ‘Weyekin’?

Why ‘Weyekin’?

I get asked this a lot.

In 1998, I was gifted the opportunity to sponsor a wolf in, what was known as, The Sawtooth Pack.

I had learned a lot through their research during very important school years, so this particular pack I was fond of.

Wyakin was the name of my wolf. I had chosen her because she looked just like my dog at the time, my Husky, Prince.

That very same day that I was filling out Wyakin’s sponsorship form, I was signing up for college and had to choose an email name. I changed the spelling – and it stuck with me the last 20 years.

I’ve used ‘Weyekin’ as a handle for so long, now, to those who know me well, it’s synonymous with my own name.

Wyakin means “Spirit Guide” This was the picture I first saw of her.

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